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Finding Jewel — Breaking Their Chains

Study Guide

Finding Jewel offers a PDF study guide. It can be used individually as well as for small and large-group study.

Here is a sample of the questions for Chapter 1:

  1. Finding Jewel is a fictional story, set in the mythical kingdom of Menducium, where the horror of human trafficking is prevalent far and wide. Based on our reality, do you believe that human trafficking exists where you live?
  2. What is inherently wrong with the idea of humans being for sale?
  3. How does the character and storyline of Jewel help bring the horrors of child slavery and trafficking to life?
  4. Do you have any initial thoughts or impressions of the Cracken family or their farm?
  5. What are some motivations that cause the Crackens to behave the way they do?

Click here to download the PDF study guide.

As other books in the series are written, study guides for them will appear here as well.